Monday, February 17, 2020

Toyota Motor Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Toyota Motor Corporation - Essay Example There are huge risks, however, in establishing production bases in emerging markets particularly in China. Sino-Japanese relations are now at a low point due to the increasing assertiveness of the former in its sovereignty claim of a string of islands that the later now possesses. This string of islands, known as Diaoyu to the Chinese and Senkakku to the Japanese, has been the flashpoint of national sentiment especially when Tokyo purchased the islands from its private Japanese owners. Ever since the purchase, several Japanese establishments and even diplomats have been under threat by Chinese activists leading to shutdowns. Nationalistic sentiment has risen to the point that boycotts of Japanese products have been called upon. Warships and jet fighters have also been recently deployed underlining the turmoil between the two nations (Gao, 2013).There are also threats of regulatory requirements requiring companies to reveal industry secrets, especially technological innovations. The W all Street Journal, for example, reported that Chinese authorities are contemplating about requiring foreign companies to register all information on their products before they can operate in the country (Alexander, 2010). Cases have also been filed against local Chinese manufacturers alleging that they have copied designs of certain models. In the worst case, nationalization of Toyota’s assets in China can happen as Chinese history provides several examples, especially during its communist transformation.... This string of islands, known as Diaoyu to the Chinese and Senkakku to the Japanese, has been the flashpoint of national sentiment especially when Tokyo purchased the islands from its private Japanese owners. Ever since the purchase, several Japanese establishments and even diplomats have been under threat by Chinese activists leading to shutdowns. Nationalistic sentiment has risen to the point that boycotts of Japanese products have been called upon. Warships and jet fighters have also been recently deployed underlining the turmoil between the two nations (Gao, 2013). There are also threats of regulatory requirements requiring companies to reveal industry secrets especially technological innovations. The Wall Street Journal, for example, reported that Chinese authorities are contemplating about requiring foreign companies to register all information on their products before they can operate in the country (Alexander, 2010). Cases have also been filed against local Chinese manufactur ers alleging that they have copied designs of certain models. In the worst case, nationalization of Toyota’s assets in China can happen as Chinese history provides several examples especially during its communist transformation. The wounds of World War 2 is being brought up to the front with China and South Korea declaring that Japan has not fully addressed issues of war crimes especially the use of their women as sex slaves of Japanese soldiers (Reuters,2012). Hence, while emerging markets present tremendous opportunity for sales and lower production costs, the current political and social situation can present losses to the company. Careful consideration of current events should be conducted in light of the territorial dispute between the two countries. Toyota does not enjoy the

Monday, February 3, 2020

Legal and ethical issues in health occupations Term Paper

Legal and ethical issues in health occupations - Term Paper Example Health and wellness form the basis of any society and that explains why health care matters are given more weight including stringent legal and ethical structure. According to the text of study, various laws are applicable to ensure quality service delivery by the healthcare professionals. Top in the list is the law of contract which provides all the terms and conditions of a contractual agreement between two or more parties. It also bears the corresponding remedies to breach of such contractual obligations by either or all the parties. Under this law, the healthcare providers are at liberty to charge the cheapest on their medical supply to the healthcare facilities like hospitals, dispensaries and others with the primary aim of improving the health of the patients and this would not amount to antitrust by similar competitors. This is in line with the code of ethics expected of healthcare professionals that requires that the lifesaving comes first at even no pay then other things fol low. For instance, when a given health officer offers healthcare at any relatively cheaper cost, no entity can seek legal redress over this since it serves the purpose of service to humanity (Judson, Karen, Carlene and Karen 43). The law of contract also assumes that any healthcare provider is answerable to the state at any given time over his/her conduct immediately the permit to join practitioners is issued. Any breach of the contractual agreement by a healthcare professional is a big problem that is severely punishable owing to its attachment with life which is invaluable. The legal concept of tort also affects the medical professionals at large and is always given a serious attention by the society to tame errant medical practitioners. This law deals with civil wrongs that their remedy does not carry with them severe government action on the defendant but is always solved by compensation to the plaintiff and other constitutionally defined remedies. In this case, negligence remai ns one of the thorniest issues with the healthcare providers. In this scenario, the patient trusts the ability and care of the professional with his/health conditions (Reviews 58). This means that the medical staff needs to take all possible actions within their knowledge and ethics of work to ensure safe administration of health care to the patient. For instance in a case where a patient has been diagnosed with a given infection, it expressly imply that the doctor is able to quote the appropriate prescription. In the event that an individual suffers from a wrong prescription by medical personnel, the aggrieved is allowed to seek legal redress and obtain compensation in the form of treatment costs or undertake another prescription from the healthcare professional. This goes hand in hand with the code of conduct within the ranks of healthcare sector which oblige any healthcare provider to act with utmost professionalism and care. Even within the healthcare sector exists criminal aspe ct of the law which is punishable by jail, dismissal from the practitioning body and other punitive measures. As a healthcare prof