Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Environmental Issues Faced by Business and Society Term Paper

Essays on Environmental Issues Faced by Business and Society Term Paper The paper "Environmental Issues Faced by Business and Society" is a brilliant example of a term paper on environmental studies. Businesses do not operate in isolation. Secure interaction with the environment is one of the key responsibilities of businesses. By violating the environmental laws and ethical implications, many businesses have experienced a slump in their sales and profits. Therefore, nowadays, almost every other company is involved in safe interaction with the environment. As a result of increased industrialization, there are innumerable environmental issues that businesses and societies have to encounter with. Some of them include waste management, emissions, sustainable utilization and development of raw material.As per the Canadian Environmental Grantmaker’s Network, there are several urban environmental issues persist in almost every other country. Some major of these include transportation dependency, infrastructure deficit, air quality, drinking water, storm water, and wastewater, energy, and climate change, solid waste and consumption, etc (Tomalty, 2005). Some of the most widely known issues are discussed in the subsequent sections of this paper.Waste and Waste ManagementBusinesses operating as a manufacturing concern always create waste. Good environmental citizenship and environmental laws oblige the unsystematic dumping of byproducts resulting in the manufacturing process. Therefore, business owners have to fix how to dispense with it in a better way. Many businesses nowadays have started recycling programs so as to effectively utilize the waste products. Others sell the waste to other manufacturers who utilize it in their own production process as raw material.  EmissionsManufacturing entities often release harmful and toxic chemicals or air/water as a result of production processes. These byproducts need to be handled and disposed of very carefully in order to avoid any unpleasant situation or harm to the environment. Environme nt protection laws oblige the business entities to protect the environment from getting exposed to these harmful emissions. The businesses are using several approaches so as to deal with the issue of emissions in a socially responsible manner. For this purpose, businesses are now using remedial processes such as filtering wastewater, placing screens on the gauges releasing smoke, lining the ponds retention with poly liners and clay. These measures usually result as costly for businesses that is why those businesses which want to reduce their cost avoid spending on these expenditures. It must be borne in mind that these expenditures must be made a vital part of every business because a lack of proper handling of toxic chemicals can cause loss of precious life as well as time and money. It can also hamper the reputation of the company.   Ã‚  Strategies of Businesses and NGOs for dealing with Environmental IssuesMunicipal and Federal regulatory bodies are co-operating with the busine ss entities in order to suggest them with the possible approaches which can be implemented to overcome these issues.Going Green ApproachTo a certain extent, many companies have now commenced the concept of ‘going green’. Some of them include BP, Panasonic, Coca-cola, Toyota, etc. when these giant companies convey the message of going green, it not only encourages their competitors but also small companies to start adopting this concept which leads to more and more companies joining this campaign.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Environmental Friendly ProductsApart from the going green strategies, companies are also utilizing the approach of producing and selling those products which are environmentally friendly, also called as eco-friendly products. By this, environmentally concerned consumers get inspired and purchase the products from such companies. Some examples of such products include green towel and tissues, reusable or recyclable products, energy start dishwasher, e co-friendly glass, and metal cleaners, etc.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Summer Writing Assignment †College Essay Free Essays

Among all the characters that I have encountered in books and movies, one persona stood out as the one I want to emulate the most. He went by the name Equality 7-2521 from the novel entitled â€Å"Anthem† by Ayn Rand. He appealed me the moment I read the book because he embodied what I am striving to be. We will write a custom essay sample on Summer Writing Assignment – College Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now His personality was the quintessence of the qualities I needed to be successful. When I read the book, I was utterly impressed by his determination, intelligence, and more importantly, his perseverance as an individual. He has a significant influence on me and I find him a great source of inspiration to struggle harder in the complexities of life. It was during my sophomore year that I read the book â€Å"Anthem.† At that time, I was in a predicament over whether I should concentrate on schooling or finding a part-time job. The reason why I had such qualms was that even I made endeavors to complete my school works properly and attempted to attain high scores, my poor English proficiency derailed my plans. I was discouraged by the inconsistency of my efforts and grades printed in my report card. The course of things changed when I read â€Å"Anthem.† I was impressed by the characteristics of Equality 7-2521, the protagonist in the novel. The story was set in a fictional world which was dominated by collectivism. Equality 7-2521, who was seeking for self-identification, struggled in a society that rejected individualism in favor of collectivism. Equality 7-2521 discovered a tunnel where he began hiding regularly to conduct scientific experiments. Later on, he invented the light bulb and decided to share his device with the World Council of Scholars, even though he knew the way he came to discover electricity was illegal and sinful. Subsequently, Equality 7-2521’s presentation of the light bulb to the World Council of Scholars permanently severed him from society and forced him out on his own. The reason that the World Council of Scholars made this decision was that collectivism does not allow people to think or work individually but jointly. As a result, Equality 7-2521 was exiled yet he did not stop pursuing his goal. He kept studying in the woods and eventually discovered the meaning of individualism and the word â€Å"I.† As I read the book thoroughly, I realized the qualities that I must possess in order to achieve my ambitions. Equality 7-2521 had a worse situation than mine, but by the virtue of his positive attributes, he successfully pulled off his discovery. He believed in individualism and rejected the collectivist society around him. He was insightful, perseverant, truth-seeking, resolute, and intelligent. He was deeply curious and desired freedom to explore and think, and he was unafraid of the society of mindless drones around him. Equality 7-2521 represented the superiority of a singular intellect to the homogeneity of the masses, who could not think of themselves and were indistinguishable from one another. I plan to get a high score as well. I believe I could reach my aspirations if I exemplify the qualities that Equality 7-2521 had. The strong and firm character Equality 7-2521 held inspired me every time I face a dilemma in real life. Equality 7-2521’s story assured me that nothing is impossible and that I can succeed too even in my simple but unrelenting ways. Along this line, I should stay focused on my work and studies, and possibly make a significant improvement in the coming marking period. He had a tremendous impact on my personality, not only in my study habits, but also in the determination to confront difficulties. Whoever and whatever I am now, I owe it for the most part to Equality 7-2521 for transforming me to the kind of person I never imagined I could ever be. Life indeed is like a roller coaster with ups and downs to render it more interesting and breathtaking. And above all, what is of the essence is that Equality 7-2521 indirectly made me complete and unexpectedly happy as well. How to cite Summer Writing Assignment – College Essay, Essays

Sunday, December 8, 2019

One Good Turn Deserves Another free essay sample

Learning to turn well in a fighter aircraft is something that’s much easier said than done. This will not be a definitive, doctorate level dissertation on the subject. I’ll go over the basics here and hopefully help get you on the right track. This discussion is geared toward the F-16 Fighting Falcon. However the principles discussed are just as valid for any fighter aircraft. First we’ll look at Turn Rate Radius, then corner airspeed and then how to lead turn. Energy Management also plays strongly into turning well. We’ll hit that up at the end of this lesson. Turn Rate: The rate at which an aircraft can turn or rate it’s nose while turning. In other words if you’re pulling a circle, rate is a definition of how fast you get around that circle. Don’t just think of rate in terms of complete circles though. I give that as an example to help you visualize and understand rate. Turn Rate is usually expressed in reference to instantaneous and sustained rates and is measured in degrees a second. Instantaneous is exactly what it sounds like†¦. How much rate you can command from an aircraft immediately as you turn. Sustained is the rate you can sustain through a turn. The F-16 has a 26 degree/sec maximum instantaneous turn rate. I havent found reliable figures for the Vipers max sustained turn rate. In the Tac Ref in F4 it states 13 degrees/sec. I promise you I can pull significantly better than that, right around 18 deg/sec. Coincidentally several reputable online sources state 18 deg/sec sustained rate. Of course you’ll need to be at the right airspeed to capture the best rate, both instantaneous and sustained. It’s important to realize that the F-16 is one of the very, very few (in all probability the only operational) aircraft able to pull a sustained 9 G turn. This fact, along with the F-16’s extraordinary sustained turn rate capability, are among the things the Viper is most legendary for. In Falcon 4 we have to deal with the fact that the Viper as modeled cannot perform a sustained 9+ G turn as it can in real life. We’ll work around this as well as the fact that many other aircraft types are actually over modeled. At times throughout this training I’ll point out differences between actual vs. Falcon 4 performance info so that you’ll be knowledgeable on both. Rate is needed to achieve weapons parameters or defeat attacks. The F-16s turn rate increases very rapidly from slow speed up to 330 KCAS, at which point the rate is the highest. Rate allows the attacker to match or exceed the turn rate of his adversary and establish lead for a gunshot. The attacker needs a turn rate advantage that will allow him to pull his nose onto the bandit to employ the AIM-9 or point to lead pursuit for a gun shot. It is important to note an attacker with a higher sustained turn rate can maintain a positional advantage against a defender with a smaller turn radius but reduced rate (Figure 13). For example, in order to employ the AIM-9, you must have a turn rate that will allow you to keep your nose within approximately 30 ° of the bandit for tone acquisition and missile launch. The ability to maintain a high sustained turn rate while the defender sacrifices sustained rate for a tighter turn is another key concept in understanding BFM. In this sense, a turn rate advantage is more tactically significant than a smaller turn radius. Keep in mind an old fighter pilot saying that’s always been very true; â€Å"Rate Kills! † It’s important to note that the F-16 turns better with afterburner (AB). Believe it or not this is not always the â€Å"norm† for most combat aircraft. AB in the Viper gives a better turn capability because it allows the pilot to sustain airspeed and thereby sustain a higher turn rate (assuming near corner velocity). In addition, maneuvering at higher AOA’s results in a greater portion of the aircrafts thrust vector to be pointed toward the center of the turn, which also helps the F-16 maintain a smaller turn radius and greater turn rate. To achieve the highest turn rate possible, slow or accelerate towards corner velocity speed range as quickly as possible and turn hard to generate maximum angles in the shortest time. Be aware that this is not always the optimum thing to do. However when you decide it’s time to command the highest rate, this is what you need to do. Turn Radius: The diameter in which an aircraft can turn a partial or complete circle at a given altitude and speed. The higher the speed the larger the radius, or circle, the aircraft will make in the sky. Conversely the slower the speed the smaller the radius. Turn radius determines the size of the turn circle. This radius is based on the aircrafts TAS and radial G. In a fight, the size of the circle and the relative turn rate capability of the two aircraft, will determine how well the pilot can solve the angular problems the defender presents. The objective is to work to where available G will allow the attacker to point his nose at the defender to achieve a missile or gun shot with an acceptable specific power (Ps) bleed-off. How well an aircraft can turn is a function of the turn rate and radius it generates. As already stated, Radius defines the size of an aircrafts turn or its turning circle. In the F-16, turn radius at max AOA/G is relatively constant over an airspeed range of 170 knots calibrated airspeed (KCAS) up to 330 KCAS. Above 330 KCAS, turn radius increases slightly as max G is obtained (440 KCAS). Above 440 KCAS, turn radius increases dramatically. The chart at left graphically depicts the effect of airspeed on radius. Note also how rate is affected. Understanding the concept of Turn Circles is another important principle for you to grasp in order to be a really effective BFM practitioner. Again, we’ll be going into this and many other things discussed in this lesson in greater detail later on in the course. For now concentrate on understanding how both radius and rate affect the fight. Knowing your adversaries capabilities in both these areas across his flight envelope and knowing your own in the Viper, or whatever other aircraft you are flying, will help you decide how best to approach employing BFM at different times in the fight. One thing to note here is that offensively, sustained operations are not possible in the same plane against a defender with a smaller turn circle (radius) assuming similar turn rates without inviting an overshoot/reversal situation. Alright. In plain English what this means is that if you run into a bandit that can turn in a tighter radius while maintaining a similar rate as you†¦. Things are gonna get really uncomfortable real quick if you continue a turn in the same plane with him. You need to use the vertical/get out of plane. That’s either vertical up or down and not necessarily 90 degrees for either. Depending on the situation a little either way may do. Corner Airspeed: Each aircraft has a specific speed at which it can turn at both the best rate and tightest radius. This is not to say the absolute best rate or the absolute tightest radius the aircraft is capable of, but rather the best combination of both. Because of the F-16 flight control system, the F-16 does not have a true corner velocity. It has a corner plateau which is an airspeed range of 330 440 KCAS that produces a good turn rate based on available G. In this chart you can see the â€Å"corner plateau† of the Viper. Note how both radius and rate stay fairly constant between 330 and 440 knots. Note also how rapidly radius increases and rate decreases above 440 as well as the decrease in rate below 330. As mentioned previously Radius stays fairly constant all the way from 170 to 330 knots or so. We’ve discussed turn rate radius as well as corner airspeed. Understanding how these factors play into the fight is key to your ability to not only survive but dominate your adversary. It’s more than just knowing your own aircrafts performance in these areas, it’s knowing the enemies as well. On top of that your ability to exploit this knowledge is what will make the difference in the end. As an example. F-4F’s from Holloman AFB’s 20th FTS routinely flew and won against F-15’s during the 114th FTS’s bi-annual Sentry Eagle Air to Air meet. The most interesting matches were the F-15 instructors vs. the F-4F instructors. Even though the F-15’s had the advantage in power, radius, instantaneous and sustained rate, the F-4’s were able to still come out on top. Why? Partly because the F-4 pilots had more experience and seat time. Many of the F-4 instructors had more than 3,000 hours in the F-4. Bottom line though is that they flew better BFM. They knew their jet and they knew their adversaries jet and it’s capabilities to a better level than their adversaries did. They used this knowledge to overcome the advantages of the enemy by taking advantage of their own aircrafts systems and flight characteristics. The moral of this story? Study and train hard. Know your jet inside and out and explore and become a expert at handling her. Know your enemy as well. Study of other aircraft and knowing what their performance actually translates to in the fight, will make the difference between killing or dying. Here’s another example. The F-18 has better nose pointing ability at lower speeds (below 240 knots down to 190) than the F-16. Nose pointing ability is rate G/AOA. Commonly referred to as Alpha in fighter pilot speak. Does this mean that the F-18 will always win in this speed range? Think about that question. What are the reasons you think so or not? We’ll use group discussion to answer it in depth. There’s way more to it than most people think.